Kirstie Brass-Duncan – Chairperson. Social Care Worker for 25 years for the Dundee Council. Chair for the Menzieshill out of school Care Club. Served on the committee of the Menzieshill CC Local Management Group for 10 years. She is a member of the ‘Sing it, Sign it Makaton Choir’ in Dundee. This is a mixed ability choir. Kirsties’ father served in the Black Watch. She is a keen craftsperson and full time parent.
Jayne Cameron -Treasurer. Jayne has been a nurse for nearly forty years, and currently works as a nurse practitioner at a GP practice. Jaynes’ husband is a veteran who served with the Black Watch, and has a diagnosis of PTSD; Jaynes’ son is also a veteran who served with the Royal Engineers EOD. Jayne became involved with Stand Easy Productions to help develop the Families’ Projects as very little support was in place for Jayne and her family as they set off on their own PTSD journey.
Chloe Din – Secretary and our staff representative. Chloe started with Stand Easy in 2016 as a student volunteer. Since then she has worked with us professionally on 3 of our performance projects and co-led our weekly workshops up to Sept ’20. She is now studying on a drama course at Napier University.
Jennie Grady – D&A College’s representative in the partnership with Stand Easy. Drama lecturer at the Dundee and Angus College. Jennie directed our June ’21 performance project and has strong experience in Community Theatre.
Billy Girdwood -Veteran – Billy is a Stand Easy participant.
Susan Dunham - Veteran – Served in the Royal Navy for 11 and a half years as Leading Wren (Communications). Served at HMS Camperdown, Exeter CTC and in Malta and Hong Kong. Currently an active member of Scottish War Blinded, and also a member of Blind Veterans UK. Susan has participated in 3 May/June performance projects and regularly attends our weekly drama workshops.
Val Evans – trained as a Psychiatric Social Worker and worked in the development of mental health services both in the UK and abroad. She has a Certificate in Fundraising and has years of experience of grant fundraising. For the past 18 months Val has been working on the Unforgotten Forces project within Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau.
Iain Kinloch – Veteran - ex R.A.F. member of the Leuchars Breakfast Club.
We would also like to thank Ronnie Proctor for his huge contribution to the start and to the growth of Stand Easy. He has recently stood down from the role of Chair and we wish him well for the future.
We are always looking for new committee members. If you feel you have something to offer, whether as a Veteran, as a drama practitioner or as someone who can help with skills such as funding or press and publicity – do please get in touch with us at: