Stand Easy Productions
Stand Easy Productions is community theatre company and charity based in Scotland, we use creative activities to improve the well-being and resilience of our participants, increase confidence and bring people together to have fun.
Our Values: listening, non-judgemental, humour, reliable, kindness and respect
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About us:
Stand Easy was formed in Dundee 2016 to work with Wounded, Injured or Sick veterans. We used drama-based techniques to reduce isolation, improve well-being, improve confidence and ultimately aid in recovery. Since then the charity has grown, we now work with Veterans, serving and retired Emergency Responders and health/social care staff/volunteers. We also run projects for military/veteran families and for young people from emergency services families. We now work across Tayside and the Central belt.
“The project was amazing, I am so proud to have been part of it. The way my story was told is amazing...the experience was emotional at times and I really felt justice was done to my story”
“From start to finish this was a brilliant project. A fantastic 3 weeks in the company of some special folks who have become friends in a way I wasn’t sure was possible. Leaving was a sad day, the only consolation is that I will be back next year!”
To find out more about our work or take part in our projects fill out our contact us form or email
Despite this growth our aims remain the same, to use creative activities to improve the well-being and resilience of our participants. Although we continue to have a focus on working with those experiencing mental ill-health, some of our projects are now open to anyone who feels they would benefit from the experience.
We don’t expect participants to have previous experience of drama, nor do we aim to create actors – our work is about the re-engaging of skills already possessed, including: courage, teamwork, communication skills, a sense of humour, concentration, self-discipline, etc. Stand Easy aims to add creativity and imagination to that list and to reduce stress and anxiety.
Stand Easy makes sure no-one will be asked to do anything they’re not comfortable with. No-one will be forced to talk about their experiences or to learn a script. We create everything ourselves, we devise projects together in a challenging but supportive environment. Most importantly – you will be listened to.